"I firmly believe that the invisible has a lasting influence on consciousness and on our experience of life.
Inspired by symbolism, surrealism, Taoist philosophy, Carl Jung, and psychology, my work creates a communion between what may seem to be opposites.
I materialize my symbolic and non-dual approach to life through archetypes such as the circle, the arrow, the woman, and intuition. The symbol as a connector between the unconscious and the conscious.
Through materials like coffee, watercolor, and acrylic, I use the stain as a living symbol of the spontaneous. At the same time, oil paint allows me to connect it with the conscious and identifiable. With a semi-automatic painting process, I combine two dualities that might seem absolute and show that, in reality, they are part of a whole.
My work is a communicative link that calls for attention, to observe the outside in order to recognize oneself and return inward. A bond in a world that is divided."
- Eileen Köhler