Patricia Betancourt
Patricia Betancourt
I was born in Guatemala in 1968. When I was still quite young, my family moved to Mexico. After high school, we moved to Colombia, where I completed my Bachiller Académico (Academic Baccalaureate). I began my advanced studies far from art, as a student of Industrial Engineering. Two years into my studies as an engineer, I found my true path in Art and obtained a Master’s in Fine Arts from the University of the Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. I started my journey in the art world with as both an artist and educator, holding my first solo and group exhibitions while simultaneously teaching painting, art theory, and art history. In the year 2000, I returned to the country of my birth to continue painting, and expand my academic career through the study of Guatemala’s rich history and archaeology. In 2020, I completed my Master’s degree in University Education at Universidad del Istmo in Guatemala, with the distinction Summa Cum Laude. I love the work of the educator as I love the work of the artist, and am fortunate to have participated in 22 solo exhibitions in Colombia and Guatemala and more than 150 international group exhibitions in the United States, El Salvador, Honduras, Colombia, and Guatemala. In 2019, I was honored with the Artist of the Year award in Guatemala. In 2024, I won third place in the Galería Abierta at the Municipality of Guatemala. Currently, I balance teaching with my artistic practice.