Matias Estrada Acevedo
Matias Estrace
Date of birth: September 5, 2003
Place of residence: Guatemala, Guatemala City
Identification number: 3482400310101
Biography: Born. Will die, perhaps.
In his practice, he explores the power dynamics that (de)form a sense of identity from the social and the sensory, hyperconsumption, and the relationship between being and the world. Through his work, they seek to dismantle Western hegemonic narratives of colonial/modernity that abstract and objectify both humans and the natural environment in the name of "progress."
He create narratives of the contemporary world through the poetic and the humorous, in relation to thaumazein (the wonder or strangeness of reality) as a way to confront, resist, and heal.
- Matias EstraceWe can arrange and oversee the creation of a new work, made specifically for you.