ArtWork Details
“In this world there are people who, despite being endowed with exceptional talent, are incapable of making the necessary effort to systematize it, and their talent ends up going to waste. I have seen several people have this happen to them. At first, you think they are geniuses. You feel overwhelmed, you think that you can't reach the soles of their shoe. But that's all. They are not capable of going one step further. Because? Because they don't make an effort. Because they have never instilled in them the sense of discipline. Because they have ruined them. Since they were children, they have been so talented that they have managed to do things without trying, and people have been praising them for it, telling them how extraordinary they are. And they end up conceiving tenacity as stupidity.
Haruki Murakam
- Year: 2021
- Techniques: Acrylic and Ink on canvas
- Size: 200cm x 170cm
200cm x 170cm